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Why Early Intervention is the Key to Your Child's Success_ A Parent-Friendly Guide

February 20, 2025 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

Early intervention can help children overcome developmental delays and reach their full potential. Learn how speech, occupational, and physical therapy support language, motor skills, and social development—giving kids the best start in life. Discover why starting early makes all the difference.


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November 13, 2024 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

Practical tips from a feeding therapist on handling picky eaters during the holidays. Discover how to reduce stress by offering familiar foods, gently exposing your child to new dishes, and creating a positive mealtime atmosphere. Learn how to talk with family members about supporting your child’s food exploration at their own pace. Perfect for parents wanting a relaxed, pressure-free holiday meal!


Who says therapy can't be in the pool - Rogers Bridge Pediatric Therapy

August 22, 2024 • Occupational Therapy

Discover the benefits of aquatic therapy in occupational therapy! Learn how water play activities like splash pads and sensory play can enhance physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being for all ages and abilities. Dive into the therapeutic power of water!


Let them get dirty! The importance of messy play and sensory processing disorder for child

June 12, 2024 • Occupational Therapy

Discover the importance of messy play in your child's sensory development. Learn how activities like playing with shaving cream and applesauce can enhance their brain and sensory skills, supported by scientific insights and practical tips for at-home messy play.


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May 10, 2024 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

Feeding a child is essential, but it can be a challenging task for parents. While feeding a child may seem like a straightforward process, there are mistakes that parents often make, unknowingly making a lifelong impact on their child's feeding experience.


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April 10, 2024 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

In honor of Autism Awareness Month, we are sharing a colleague’s experience of being Autistic. Her story shows the power of receiving a diagnosis and the importance of early intervention and support for autistic individuals. By sharing her experiences and advocating for change, we hope to inspire others to seek the help they need and to embrace the unique strengths and abilities of all individuals, regardless of their neurotype.


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March 13, 2024 • Occupational & Speech Therapy

March 2024 is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. Gain a unique perspective from a Speech Therapist with Cerebral Palsy and uncover surprising information that will broaden your understanding.



February 14, 2024 • Occupational Therapy

Explore our guide on Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) for parents: Understand signs, manage sensory needs, and support your child's sensory experiences easily.

#SensoryProcessingDisorder #ParentsGuide #OccupationalTherapy


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January 10, 2024 • Occupational & Speech Therapy

Not your typical “resolutions,” but as occupational and speech therapists, we find that we typically give similar advice to parents that are just starting therapy. In honor of the New Year, we have compiled a list of advice and strategies that are frequently provided to parents during the first few therapy sessions.

#NewYearsResolutions #OccupationalTherapy #OccupationalTherapistApproved #SpeechTherapy


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November 28, 2023 • Occupational Therapy

Discover the perfect holiday gifts for kids in 2023, carefully curated and approved by occupational therapists. From educational toys to sensory-friendly picks, find presents that nurture development and bring joy. Make this holiday season extra special for your little ones.

#GiftIdeas #KidsToys #OccupationalTherapistApproved


Play is Serious Learning!

November 15, 2023 • Speech Therapy

Interaction and play can have an important impact on their child’s interaction with and understanding of the world. Parents often ask for strategies that create a balance between play and daily life. So, what is the balance?



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October 11, 2023 • Speech Therapy

Unlock the potential of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) technology to enhance communication skills and quality of life. Explore our blog for valuable insights into the transformative impact of AAC. Discover the power of AAC today!

#AACAwarenessMonth #Speechtherapy #Empowerment #AACJourney #Communication #specialneeds


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September 13, 2023 • Occupational Therapy

Explore the essential role of crawling in your child's development journey. Delve into the connection between crawling and primitive reflex integration, uncover the potential repercussions of skipping crawling, and embrace a comprehensive approach to ensure your child's optimal growth.

#parentingtips #developmentalmilestones #childdevelopment #occupationaltherapy #earlyintervention


Tiny Hands, Big Helpers

August 9, 2023 • Occupational Therapy

Discover the magic that happens when you let your child help around the house. Find out how involving them in daily tasks can create quality time, teach valuable life skills, and bring some fun into your routine. Read more on our blog!


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June 13, 2023 • Speech Therapy

Discover effective treatment approaches for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Learn about the signs of apraxia, multi-disciplinary therapy options, and how you can support your child's progress. From speech therapy techniques to language therapy and augmentative communication tools, we explore various strategies to enhance communication abilities.



May 15, 2023 • Speech Therapy

Join us as we shine a spotlight on Apraxia Awareness. Apraxia affects motor planning and coordination of speech. We’re raising awareness, sharing stories, and providing valuable resources for individuals, families, and caregivers while empowering voices.


Learn more about this speech disorder that affects the ability to plan and execute movements for speech.


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April 12, 2023 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

In honor of Autism Awareness Month, we are sharing a colleague’s experience of being Autistic. Her story shows the power of receiving a diagnosis and the importance of early intervention and support for autistic individuals. By sharing her experiences and advocating for change, we hope to inspire others to seek the help they need and to embrace the unique strengths and abilities of all individuals, regardless of their neurotype.


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March 15, 2023 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

It's easy to know when your child is eating well, but there are some surprising signs that your child may be having difficulty eating. Watch out for signs of aspiration such as coughing, choking, and difficulty breathing. Learn more: Part 2 of the Parent's Guide to Toddler Feeding.


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February 8, 2023 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

Looking for guidance on toddler feeding? Look no further – here's a parent's guide to understanding the basics of mealtime.
From establishing a routine to tips and tricks for successful toddler eating, this guide will have you feeling prepared and confident in your skills. Let's get started on the journey to healthy mealtime habits!


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November 9, 2022 • Occupational Therapy

Visual processing disorder refers to a person’s ability to make sense of information that is taken through the eyes. Deficits in this area can impact how visual information is processed by the brain. Difficulties with visual motor skills may include slow reading, difficulty copying shapes, poor handwriting skills, difficulty finding information on a page, or being unable to complete puzzles. 


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October 12, 2022

Social stories are used to help children develop skills that help them experience novel environments or situations in a positive way. It is a social learning tool that provides an exchange of information. While a child’s therapist is always there to help, sometimes parents need to devise solutions on their own.


How to Create a Happy and Healthy Eater

August 10, 2022 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

As a first-time parent, you hear about how easy it is to transition your baby to solid foods. Easy with no problems, right?

Well… that is until you try it.



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June 8, 2022 • Occupational Therapy

Learn about different activities that may help your child with sensory processing disorder.




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April 13, 2022 • Speech Therapy

We are frequently asked, “When will my child start talking?” or “How long until my child talks?” There are many factors to consider...




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March 9, 2022 • Speech Therapy

As an early intervention speech language pathologist, I am typically one of the first people to provide therapy to a child. What we work on first will depend on the child’s level. Since my patients are very young, we do a lot of play-based activities. While some families understand the importance of play skills, some families do not. I frequently hear, “Why are you only playing with my child?”


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February 9, 2022 • Speech Therapy

Baby sign has become extremely popular within the last decade and there are great benefits to using baby sign language early. Research supports using sign language early to help with communication and increase verbal word production.


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January 18, 2022

These are not your typical “resolutions,” but as a speech language pathologist, I find that I typically give similar advice to parents that are just starting therapy. In honor of the New Year, I have compiled a list of advice and strategies that are frequently provided to parents during the first few speech therapy sessions. 



October 13, 2021 • Speech Therapy

Why do we focus on the negatives so much for our children with delays while celebrating the positives for children without delays? All children, regardless of their abilities, have positive and negative characteristics and deserve to be celebrated.


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September 8, 2021 • Speech Therapy

Many parents seek out speech therapy because they cannot understand their child or because their child is not producing words at a developmentally appropriate rate. But how do you know when you should seek help from a speech language pathologist?


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August 11, 2021 • Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

Amy conquered her feeding struggles. Read about her feeding therapy success story and the strategies we used to help her achieve feeding freedom.



Play is Serious Learning!

July 15, 2021 • Speech Therapy

Interaction and play can have an important impact on their child’s interaction with and understanding of the world. Parents often ask for strategies that create a balance between play and daily life. So, what is the balance?



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June 9, 2021 • Speech Therapy

Children can be non-verbal for many reasons. There are a variety of strategies that your therapist will use to encourage children to use verbal language. Some children need a little extra time to process messages and formulate a response. Sometimes you just need to be quiet.




May 12, 2021 • Speech Therapy

A parent talks about how speech therapy has helped their child with learning to talk and the experience they had with speech therapy for both the parent and the child.



Give Them Something to Talk About

April 14, 2021 • Speech Therapy

Is it difficult for your toddler to talk?

Here are our favorite fun activities that motivate toddlers to talk.




March 9, 2021 • Speech Therapy

Starting communication with your child early will allow you to be able to communicate with them better in the future.




February 10, 2020 • Speech Therapy

A simple 3 step process to use when teaching your child to use a word. This approach is highly successful for some children as it is a natural way of progressing to verbal language.



Photo for the Importance of Recognizing Speech Delays in Children

January 13, 2020 • Speech Therapy

Families seek speech therapy services for a variety of reasons and start the therapy journey at different times in a child’s life.



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