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Occupational Therapy Services

Rogers Bridge » Occupational Therapy

The Benefits of Occupational Therapy can Last a Lifetime.

Occupational Therapists take a holistic perspective to help children reach their maximum potential. Treatment from an occupational therapist can be extremely beneficial in many different areas of life. The life changing benefits can last a lifetime.


Located at: 989 Lawrenceville Hwy, Lawrenceville, GA

Occupational Therapy with Puzzle Board

Sensory regulation describes a person’s ability to increase or decrease alertness as needed in different situations. Alertness levels can range from too low to too high. If someone’s alertness level is too low, they are sleepy or asleep. If someone’s alertness level is too high, they are stressed and agitated. In the US, sensory processing disorder impacts 5-16% of the total population.

Fine motor skills refer to the ability to coordinate movements of small muscles. Fine motor skills directly impact a person’s ability to use their hands, wrists, and fingers in coordination with their eyes. Deficits in fine motor impacts everyday activities like handwriting, grasping small objects, tying shoes, buttoning clothing, brushing teeth, and using zippers. A large portion of each school day requires a child to use fine motor skills and continues to require more fine motor skills as the child gets older.

We're open:
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST

Visual processing disorder, also called visual motor deficit or visual perception deficit, refers to a person’s ability to make sense of information that is taken through the eyes. Deficits in this area can impact how visual information is processed by the brain. Difficulties with visual motor skills may include slow reading, difficulty copying shapes, poor handwriting skills, difficulty finding information on a page, or being unable to complete puzzles. 

Kineso Taping (K-Taping) is used by occupational therapists, physical therapists, and athletic trainers. K-taping helps to correct muscle function, reposition subluxed joints, relaxes muscles, and supports muscles. Occupational therapists use this method to help children maximize their progress on goals.

Feeding difficulties occur in 1% of children in the general population. However, feeding and swallowing difficulties increase in frequency in children who have other medical diagnoses.

Teletherapy provides parents a safe but effective way to receive occupational therapy. Teletherapy is ideal for patients that are unable to receive face to face therapy services due to pandemics and accessibility. 

Activities of daily living are tasks that need to be accomplished every day - grooming, dressing, toileting, eating, and navigating the environment. These higher-level skills are instrumental in your child’s independence. Activities of Daily Living need to be addressed in young children to help them to grow into adults that can function independently in their daily life. Many parents who seek occupational therapy services wonder “How can my child be more independent?”  

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Parent's Guide to Toddler Feeding, Part 2: Unsafe Eating

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Looking for guidance on toddler feeding? Look no further – here's a parent's guide to understanding the basics of mealtime.
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Children's Visual Processing, Blog: What do you see?

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Visual processing disorder refers to a person’s ability to make sense of information that is taken through the eyes. Deficits in this area can impact how visual information is processed by the brain. Difficulties with visual motor skills may include slow reading, difficulty copying shapes, poor handwriting skills, difficulty finding information on a page, or being unable to complete puzzles. 

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How do you Treat Sensory Processing Disorder?

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