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Speech Therapy Services

Rogers Bridge » Speech Therapy Services

Our Speech Therapy services are designed for positive impact.

We specialize in speech therapy services provided in the clinic, via telehealth, in home, in daycares, or at school for toddlers and children who have receptive & expressive language delays, feeding disorders, social skills & pragmatic language delays, apraxia, sound production errors, and children that use speech generated devices.


We believe that having a voice is powerful; every child should know that their voice can be heard and understood. 


Located at: 989 Lawrenceville Hwy, Lawrenceville, GA

Speech Therapy Services

We're open:
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST

Receptive Language is the ability to understand and comprehend spoken or written language. Expressive Language is the ability to express one's thoughts, ideas, and feelings through spoken words or writing.


1 in 20 children have symptoms of a receptive and expressive language disorder which are typically evident before the age of 4.


Early intervention is key in helping remediate these difficulties and preventing children from falling further behind on their speech and language development.

You may be asking, "When do I need to find a speech pathologist?"

A speech-language pathologist is a specialist trained to assist determining your child's habilitation needs with their speech and feeding/swallowing challenges. A child will typically develop in pace with their peers. However, if concerns beyond normal developmental signals are occurring repeatedly we offer guidance for your next steps that will bring you more clarity.

It is estimated that 8-9% of young children have an articulation disorder. These articulation disorders can easily result in reading and communication difficulties later.  It is important to address these difficulties as early as possible in order to prevent other delays.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication assists children that are unable to verbally communicate. Their inability to verbally communicate can stem from a variety of disorders including Apraxia, Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, or other neurological impairments.

Feeding difficulties occur in 1% of children in the general population. However, feeding and swallowing difficulties increase in frequency in children who have other medical diagnoses.

It is estimated that Childhood Apraxia of Speech occurs in 1 in 1000 children. However, newer research indicates that this rate has been increasing.

Teletherapy provides parents a safe but effective way to receive speech therapy. Teletherapy is ideal for patients that are unable to receive face to face therapy services due to pandemics and accessibility.

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